Free Topic: Feminism
Feminism in the modern society is contrast to the original objective of feminism years back.
Hello everyone! This time, I am here to talk about a very controversial topic, an issue that is very heated up in the society nowadays, which is FEMINISM. All of must wonder, why am I talking about this? Don't I have another good topic to talk about? You're a feminist! I am not a feminist myself. I am going to talk about what is feminism and its waves.
Feminism in general meaning is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Feminism includes seeking the establishment of educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal for those for men. This movement have campaigned and continued for women's rights, including the right to vote, work, to hold public office and more.
Where does the word "feminism" come from? Charles Fourier, an Utopian Socialist and French philosopher, is credited with having coined the word on 1837. The words feminism and feminist first appeared in France and Netherlands in 1872, Great Britain in 1890s, and the United States in 1910. Feminist is listed in Oxford English Dictionary on 1852 while feminism is listed in the dictionary in 1895.
There are four waves of feminism. The first wave occurred from the period of 19th century until early twentieth century. The first movement focuses on:
- Equal contract
- Marriage
- Parenting
- Property rights
- Women's suffrage (the right to vote and stand on parliamentary office)
- Reform of family laws
In China, during Qing period, Chinese feminists called for women's liberation from traditional roles and Neo-Confucian gender segregation. Chinese Communist Party creates projects aim at integrating women into workforce.
Second-wave feminism focuses more on issues of equality beyond suffrage, such as ending gender discrimination. Second-wave feminists see women's cultural and political inequalities as linked and encourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives as deeply policitized and reflecting secist power structures. "The Personal is Political" written by Carol Hanisch is synonymous to the second-wave movement.
Third-wave feminism... this is where things go wrong. Third-wave feminists sought to challenge or avoid what it deemed the second wave essentialist definitions of femininity. Feminists argue, over-emphasized the experience of upper middle-class white women. They tend to focus more on micro-politics and challenged the second-wave's paradigm, and also use as a post-structuralist interpretation of gender and sexuality.
Fourth-wave feminism refers to a resurgence of interest in feminism around 2012 and is associated with the use of social media.The focus of the fourth-wave focuses on street and workplace harassment, campus sexual assault and rape culture. Scandals involving the harassment, abuse and murder of women and girls have galvanized the movement. A lot of campaigns have been organized including #MeToo movement.
That is all from me today! See you next illusion!
Third-wave feminism... this is where things go wrong. Third-wave feminists sought to challenge or avoid what it deemed the second wave essentialist definitions of femininity. Feminists argue, over-emphasized the experience of upper middle-class white women. They tend to focus more on micro-politics and challenged the second-wave's paradigm, and also use as a post-structuralist interpretation of gender and sexuality.
Fourth-wave feminism refers to a resurgence of interest in feminism around 2012 and is associated with the use of social media.The focus of the fourth-wave focuses on street and workplace harassment, campus sexual assault and rape culture. Scandals involving the harassment, abuse and murder of women and girls have galvanized the movement. A lot of campaigns have been organized including #MeToo movement.
That is all from me today! See you next illusion!
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