Reviewing a Friend's Blog

"What time is it now? It is time for blog review!"

  I am here today after a long break. Well, not really long break, though. What am I going to do today? So, for the next assignment, my friends and I were given an assignment to write a review on a friend's blog. Who's blog do we have to review? His name is... Chua.

  So, the way he presents his blogs are quite nice and there's a lot of good information in every blog. Well, I can see in most of his blogs are the monologues which actually makes it more spontaneous and kind of lift up the mood a bit.

  Next, the way he elaborates some points are good which... I don't really do that often in my blogs 😅 I can easily understand his blogs even though it is a bit long which I am not a fan of reading long stuff unless if the topic is interesting then I'll just bear with it.

  Honestly, I can't see anything that I make a criticism about. Every product has its pros and cons, right? I can't find anything bad about his blog. Maybe because my mind was completely haywire so I couldn't find any fault in the blogs. Overall, I rate his blog as 4.5 out of 5. That's all from me and see you soon!

  Want to check his website to read his blogs? Click here to read it!
